
Hot Asana Yoga Studio LLC Streaming Video and Gina Pasquariello Medical Disclaimer

The information provided in our streaming videos and/or on the Hot Asana Yoga Studio LLC website, including but not limited to suggestions, opinions, recommendations, workouts, and tips, is intended solely for educational purposes. This information is not intended to be, nor should it be used as, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or therapy. You should not rely on any such information without first consulting with a qualified physician to determine if you can safely perform the workouts without any adverse consequences. Particular caution should be exercised if you have a pre-existing medical condition, are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. Engaging in any exercise program may result in injury or worse. Always warm up before using any workouts from our streaming videos or website, and stop if you feel you are exercising beyond your comfort level. Not all exercises are suitable for every level, so please modify or discontinue as needed. By viewing or using a workout or other information contained in our streaming videos or on the Hot Asana Yoga Studio LLC website (collectively referred to as a “Workout”), you fully and irrevocably assume any and all risks associated with performing any exercise in the Workout, using the equipment shown, or relying on the Workout. None of the creators, authors, or publishers of a Workout, or any entity or person associated with them, including but not limited to Hot Asana Yoga Studio LLC and Gina Pasquariello (collectively referred to as the “Released Parties”), assume or shall be deemed to have assumed any responsibility or liability for any injuries, losses, costs, claims, or damages of any kind (collectively and individually, a “Loss”) that may occur as a result of using or viewing any Workout or relying on any information contained in any Workout. The Released Parties expressly disclaim any and all liability for any such Loss, and by viewing or using any Workout, you agree that none of the Released Parties shall have any responsibility whatsoever for any Loss. The information provided in any of our streaming videos or on the Hot Asana Yoga Studio LLC website is provided without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.